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Project participation

Indigenous engagement and participation are critical to the success of our projects. 我们与土著群体合作,调整我们的参与方式,以适应每个群体的独特情况. During our engagement process, 我们向土著群体提供资源,支持他们参与项目的监管审批程序.

通过积极参与实地考察和传统土地利用研究等活动, Indigenous groups make their own assessment of a project’s potential effects. 

In some cases, 参与协议或项目权益协议是我们与可能受我们活动影响的土著群体合作的其他方式,以承认他们独特的治理方式, relationship to the land and legal standing.


Valuing Indigenous knowledge

We want to ensure Indigenous cultures, values and the environment are respected and protected, so we engage with local Indigenous groups to identify and gather Indigenous knowledge, 帮助确保在项目的整个生命周期中满足每个小组的需求和利益. 这些活动提供了一个机会,通过结合土著居民对当地生态的了解,讨论关注的问题并减轻潜在的不利影响, land and resource use, into project planning activities.

Participation in some of the first-ever Traditional Land Use studies in 2003
2018年,Coastal GasLink与管道沿线的所有20个民选原住民签署了协议.
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Case study: Indigenous knowledge sharing

建设监测和社区联络(CMCL)计划为土著群体成员提供了在其传统领土内参与沿海天然气管道建设的机会. While their role is to observe, record and report back to their communities on construction activities, it has also fostered an understanding of Indigenous traditional medicine.

Through the program, Indigenous CMCL advisors work closely with environmental specialists to identify, 收获和收集钻石柳真菌和查加真菌,这些真菌在传统治疗中是重要的药物.

Read the full story.


Case study:  A decade-long partnership

In 2008, the Osage Nation became the first U.S. 部落团体与TC能源公司合作我们开始就Keystone管道系统进行磋商, which has now safely transported energy for more than 10 years. Since then, 我们继续在文化保护项目等方面与奥塞奇族合作. Watch our video to learn more about our long-standing partnership.

Read the full story.


Need more information or have a question?

Email us at indigenous_relations@offdawallmusiq.com, call us at 1-855-895-8754 or visit our Contact us page for more information.